Your donation benefits person(s) living with a brain injury, their family, their community, the economy, the NBIA and you.
Direct Benefits To The Survivors Of Brain Injury
First and foremost, when you financially support the Northern Brain Injury Association, you help to provide survivors of brain injury with the essentials of life; acceptance, assistance and aspiration. To those being helped, you are not just a donor, you are a friend, leader and role model. Your sponsorship throws open the door of opportunity for them, and reveals new paths of possibility.
The Northern Brain Injury Association knows that a vital component to meeting the needs of survivors is the importance of all health and human service professionals to understand the different types of brain injuries, and the signs, symptoms and rehabilitative methods available. Many of our educational webcasts, programs, workshops and materials are therefore designed specifically to help professionals to understand the needs of survivors.
The critical point is that the survivors of brain injuries, like the rest of us, have the ability to learn, change, and lead satisfying and productive lives. Because of the financial support of amazing people and organizations like you, the Northern Brain Injury Association is able to provide survivors with the tools required to move toward stability and self-sufficiency, and assistance accessing the services they need.
Direct Benefits To The Survivor’s Family
Brain injury changes people, and that can often take a massive toll on families, friends, caregivers and guardians. Statistically, without help, the odds of families remaining intact after an injury are not good. Your contribution helps us to strengthen and support families, often dramatically changing what may have been a negative outcome otherwise. By educating and assisting family and caregivers, we increase the survivor’s successful rehabilitation, self-esteem and motivation.
Your gift helps families to learn about what has happened to the one they love, and gives them the tools that they will need to provide care and support throughout recovery. Having a loved one acquire a brain injury can be a very scary and painful time for families. Your financial generosity empowers them, and helps to restore their hope as they assist their loved one’s return home. The knowledge and tools we provide helps the whole family to adjust and adapt in order to accommodate the many challenges during rehabilitation.
Direct Benefits To The Northern Brain Injury Association
Many people are under the impression that most charities are top heavy, with ‘administrative costs’ and executive salaries so high that very little donated money ever makes it to those it was intended for. This is NOT the case with the Northern Brain Injury Association. In fact, the opposite is true, because frugality and fiscal responsibility by NBIA administration insures that every dollar donated achieves maximum benefit to survivors of brain injury, and their families.
When you support the Northern Brain Injury Association, you open the door to hope for survivors of brain injury, their families, friends and communities. Your financial contribution allows us to provide education, prevention and support to the many rural and remote communities throughout the northern two thirds of the province of British Columbia, and to provide education for the professionals who provide care to them.

Members of The Northern Brain Injury Association and Prince George Brain Association participating in Happy Helmet Day to bring awareness to the importance of protecting your head.
Happy Helmet Day is celebrated on the first Monday in June.
While the medical system takes care of the initial recovery from a brain injury, there is often little to no local rehabilitation, support or services for people geographically isolated and restricted upon returning home. The Northern Brain Injury Association was formed to meet their many needs. Your contribution enables us to provide survivors with services, referrals and resources to assist them where they live, and education, support and direction to the people that they live with.
Currently, there is a huge lack of culturally appropriate and targeted brain injury preventative materials and programs for many remote communities, which is a serious barrier to education and services for many marginalized persons in rural British Columbia. In order to address these concerns, we have developed a series of initiatives that involve culturally sensitive multidisciplinary approaches to meet their needs. Increased funding would assist our efforts tremendously.
Direct Benefits To The Survivor’s Community
The best way to help change a survivor’s life for the better, is by changing the survivor’s community. When you support the Northern Brain Injury Association, your partnership gives us the ability to further develop and coordinate local resources by engaging the cooperation of community minded individuals and organizations, and increase our education and prevention efforts, because prevention is the only known cure for brain injury.
By partnering with communities to help them understand what has happened to survivors, and how best to help them, we dispel fear and diminish misunderstanding. This is vital to building healthier, happier communities, and to developing strong and sustainable solutions that last long into the future. Your gift enables us to create a long-lasting difference in people’s lives by helping them to stay safe, and if injured, receive acceptance and assistance from their home town.
Direct Benefits To The Economy
Increasing brain injury awareness is an excellent health care investment that yields absolutely huge dividends. It can save taxpayers billions of dollars per year by significantly lowering social service costs, and reducing personal tragedy. For instance; experts agree that 60-80% of inmates are victims of untreated brain injury, and most were injured long before ever committing a crime. If we were able to reduce current court cases and prison populations just by 20% through education and treatment, the entire national debt would be paid off, and there would be a substantial economic surplus, in less than a single decade.
Brain injury often leads survivors to self-medication of pain and issues by using illegal substances, prescription drugs and/or alcohol, and that almost always results in criminal charges. This sets in motion a vicious cycle of indictment and incarceration, followed by unsuccessful probation, parole and general rehabilitative efforts. Funding brain injury prevention and services will save tens of billions of dollars per year.
Direct Benefits To You
It is said that it is better to give than it is to receive, and it must be true, because there is no better feeling than to know that you have truly made a difference in someone’s life. And, when you sponsor the Northern Brain Injury Association, you really do make a difference. Your gift proves that one person can indeed change the world. To people who find their whole world falling apart, your generosity is a gift that has value that far exceeds any dollar amount. Please contact the NBIA for further information at 1-866-979-4673.